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Student Voice


Program:Fundamental and Applied Physics Program, School of Science
Others:Enrollment year: 2016
No pain, no gain! Nagoya University is a place of excellence and will honor this saying every day throughout your studies. Your intense major courses, combined with the eye-opening liberal arts courses, will present many great challenges to you. Beat them to become a “courageous intellectual”!
During my first year, my new friends and I had the privilege to live in the brand new international dormitory. Not only is it close to the campus and literally fifteen seconds away from the nearest kombini (convenience stores), but the staff there was also incredibly caring and helpful. A great experience to start your new life in Japan!
During my studies at Nagoya University, I plan to deepen my specialized knowledge and seize the numerous learning opportunities given to the students, such as seminars or extra courses. In my fourth year, I will join one of NU’s prestigious physics labs and hope to find a field of study that would follow me in my future career goal: becoming a researcher!

Undergraduate Programs