Program Outline

The Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies (JACS) program is an interdisciplinary humanities program that explores the complex and multifaceted relationships between Japan and other East Asian countries. The JACS curriculum focuses on cultural history, cinema and visual culture, and literature, but it is important to note that this program goes beyond the mere study of culture. Rather, JACS is grounded in the theoretical framework of cultural studies, which examines culture as a dynamic social and political process that is shaped by power, ideology, and identity. Cultural studies scholars analyze cultural artifacts and practices not only as reflections of society but also as products of power relations and struggles. This program provides students with opportunities to engage with a range of critical and theoretical approaches to cultural analysis, enabling them to develop the skills necessary to analyze and critique cultural texts and practices in a nuanced and thoughtful manner. Graduates of the JACS program acquire specialized knowledge in cultural history, cinema and visual culture, and literature, as well as critical thinking, research, and communication skills that are invaluable in a variety of professional settings. In addition, the program provides students with opportunities to interact with distinguished scholars from around the world, broadening their intellectual horizons and deepening their cultural understanding.
• Japanese transnational and minority literatures
• Asian cinema history
• Critical film analysis
• Japanese cinema history
• Literary Theory
• Modern Japanese and East Asian history
• Film theory
• History of visual culture
• Japanese literature and translation
• Japanese literature and gender
• Modern Japanese literature
For more details visit the program website.