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Faculty / Research Group

Faculty / Research Group

The lists of Research Groups have been updated for 2024 admissions (October 2024).

Graduate School of Engineering

Automotive Engineering Graduate Program (M)

Vehicle Engines / Vehicle Design / Vehicle Dynamics and Control / Mechanical Science and Engineering / Micro- and Nanoelectronics / Micro-Nano Mechanical Science / Structure and Manufacturing / Aerodynamics and Propulsion / Flight Control / Environmental Issues and Recycling / Electric Energy Storage / Energy Control / Electric Power Apparatus and Energy Transmission / Energy Systems / Power Electronics / Plasma Energy / Functional and Energy Materials Engineering / Space Observation / Space Information / Plasma Electronics / Plasma Nanoprocess Science / Life Electronics / Intelligent Devices / Semiconductor Engineering and Integration Science / Advanced Devices / Quantum Opto-Electronics / Integrated Quantum Devices and Systems / Semiconductor Materials / Semiconductor Electronics / Nano-Spin Devices / Nano-Electronic Materials / Nano-electronics Devices / Visual Information / Information Networks / Advanced Information Environment / Information Engineering / Wireless Systems / Communication Theory / Intelligent Systems / Control System

Related Link: Graduate School of Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electric Energy / Advanced Energy / Space Electromagnetic Environment / Future Electronic Creation / Information Device Engineering / Quantum System Engineering / Nanoelectronics / Communication Systems / Information Systems

Mechanical Systems Engineering

Mechanical Science and Engineering / Mechano-Informatics / Micro-Nano Mechanical Science / Micro-Nano Systems / Aerodynamics and Propulsion / Structure and Manufacturing / Flight and Control

Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program (M)(D)

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Computational Mechanics / Seismic Design / Steel Structures / Concrete Material and Structure / Composite Structures and Materials / Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization / Hydraulics / Transportation Planning / Intelligent Transport Systems / Energy and Environmental Policy and Impact Assessment / Land and Infrastructure Design / Structural-, Bridge-, Maintenance-, River-, Coastal and Ocean-, Geotechnical-, Geo-disaster Prevention-, Environmental-, Microbial Ecological Engineering

Related Link: Graduate School of Engineering

Engineering Physics Graduate Program (M)(D)

Applied Physics

Condensed Matter / Quantum Materials / Optical Physics / Mathematical Engineering / Structural Physics / Magnetic Materials / Electron Beam Physics / Biological Physics / Materials Physics in Nanoscale Systems / Frontier Computational Science / High Pressure Materials / Electronic Functional Materials / Nanoelectronic Device / Spintronic Materials and Nanodevice / Quantum Beam Materials / Materials Nanoscience and Design / Rheology Physics / Nanospectroscopic Materials / Frontier Computational Material Science / Synchrotron Radiation Applied Materials Science / Quantum Spintronics

Related Link: Graduate School of Engineering

Chemistry Graduate Program (M)(D)

Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry / Materials Chemistry / Biomolecular Engineering

Organic Materials / Organic Reactions / Catalysis in Organic Synthesis / Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules / Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules / Catalyst Design / Functional Materials Engineering / Chemical Biotechnology / Supramolecular Biochemistry / Chemical Genetics / Biochemical Engineering / Molecular and Bio-Environmental Process / Structural Biotechnology / Organoelement -,  Macromolecular Assembly -, Structural and Functional -,  Supramolecular-Polymer -,  Material Design -, Functional Materials -, Porous Materials Chemistry

Related Link: Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program (M)(D)

Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Transportation Systems Analysis / Strategy for Local Transport Systems / Engineering of Environmental Systems / Environmental Economics / Environmental Emergency Management / Environmental Studies of Materials / Carbon Free, Safe, and Smart Society / Materials and Energy Design / Environmental System for Stock-Type Society, Land, Urban and Mobility Design / Transportation-, Transport and Environmental-, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering

Related Link: Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Earth and Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (M)(D)

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth Environmental Systems / Geology and Geobiology / Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry / Earth and Planetary Dynamics / Chronology and Natural History / Global Environmental Variation / Climate Science / Global Water Cycle (Oceanography, Atmospheric Chemistry)

Related Link: Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Graduate School of Science

Physics and Mathematics Graduate Program (M)(D)

Photobioenergetics / Nanomagnetism and Spintronics / Solid State Magnetic Resonance / Biomolecular Dynamics and Function / Cellular Signaling Biophysics / Magnetism / Theoretical Nonlinear Physics / Solid State Theory / Condensed-Matter Theory / Solid State Theory / Quantum Transport Theory / Theoretical Biophysics / Condensed-Matter Physics of Functional Materials / Computational Biophysics / Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics / Quark-Hadron Theory / Gravity and Particle Cosmology / Theoretical Plasma Physics / Cosmology / Theoretical Astronomy & Astrophysics / Science of Complexity (Theory) / Fundamental Particle Physics / High Energy Physics / Particle Properties / Radio Astronomy / Space Astronomy Laboratory (Infrared Astronomy Group) / Space Astronomy Laboratory (High-Energy Astronomy Group) / Galaxy Evolution / Science of Complexity (Experiment) / Atmospheric and Environmental Science / Space Science – Experiment / Solar and Space Physics Theory / Heliospheric High-Energy Physics / Heliospheric Plasma Physics

Related Link: Graduate School of Science

Natural Science – Physics


Chemistry Graduate Program (M)(D)

Natural Science – Chemistry

Materials Science (Chemistry) / Organic Chemistry / Functional Organic Materials / Biochemistry / Noyori Laboratory / Inorganic Chemistry / Molecular Architecture / Bioinorganic Chemistry / Nano-Structured Materials / Photo-Physical Chemistry / Advanced Materials / Quantum Chemistry / Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Related Link: Graduate School of Science

Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences Graduate Program (M)(D)

Natural Science – Biological Science 

Developmental Cell Biology / Reproductive Biology / Development and Growth Regulation / Molecular Neurobiology / Neural Circuit / Cell Regulation / Chromosome Biology / CryoEM Group in Group of Supra-Molecular Structure / Biomembrane Functions / Signal Transduction / Plant Physiology / Plant Molecular Signaling / Animal Organ Functions

Related Link: Graduate School of Science

Graduate School of Mathematics

Physics and Mathematics Graduate Program (M)(D)


Combinatorial-, Analytic Number-, Algebraic Number-, Homotopy-, Elementary Particle-, Information-, Representation-, Type-, Graph-,  Probability-, Quantum Information Theory / Operator Algebras / Partial Differential Equations / Differential Equations / Commutative-, Non-Commutative, Non-Associative Algebra / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical Biology / Topology / General Relativity / Cosmology / Algebraic Topology / Statistical Mechanics / Condensed Matter Physics / Fluid Mechanics / Quantum Cryptography / Theoretical Computer Science / Programming Languages / Dynamical Systems / Numerical-,  Fourier-, Functional-, Complex-,  Algebraic-, Infinite-, Global Analysis /  Arithmetic-, Algebraic-, Hyperbolic-, Differential-,  Complex Geometry

Related Link: Graduate School of Mathematics

Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences Graduate Program (M)(D)

Natural Science – Biological Science

Resources Cycling in Pedosphere / Plant-Soil Systems / Forest Hydrology and Disaster Mitigation Science / Forest Ecology / Forest Protection / Forest Resource Management / Forest Resources and Society / Forest Chemistry / Biomass Resource Utilization / Wood Physics / Timber Engineering / System Engineering for Biology / Plant Physiology and Morphology / Plant Genetics and Breeding / Crop Science / Horticultural Science / Plant Pathology / Plant Immunology / Information Sciences in Agricultural Lands / Food Economics / Plant Gene Function / Agrigenome / Plant Genomics and Breeding / Tropical Bioresources / Genetic Information for Bioresources / Practical Studies in Africa / Practical Studies in Asia / Plant Epigenetics / Animal Genetics and Breeding / Genome and Epigenome Dynamic / Animal Morphology / Animal Integrative Physiology / Animal Reproduction / Animal Nutrition / Animal Production Science / Avian Bioscience / Fish Biology / Sericulture and Entomoresources / Applied Entomology / Organic Chemistry / Bioactive Molecules / Chemical Biology of Natural Products / Polymer Chemistry / Applied Enzymology / Molecular Biotechnology / Soil Biology and Chemistry / Applied Microbiology / Food and Biodynamics / Molecular and Cellular Regulation / Molecular Bioregulation / Glyco-Life Science / Animal Cell Function / Animal Cell Physiology / Nutritional Biochemistry / Alimentary Neuroscience Plant Signaling / Biochemistry / Molecular and Functional Genomics / Plant Cell Function / Plant Integrative Physiology / Plant Metabolic System / Metabolic Balance of Ecosystem

Related Link: Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Graduate School of Medicine

Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences Graduate Program (M)

Basic Medicine

Biological Chemistry / Microbiology and Immunology / Advanced Medical Science / Laboratory Animal Science / Cell Science / Neuroscience / Oncology / Higher Nervous Control / Regulation of Organ Function / Molecular and Cellular Adaptation / Anatomy and Cell Biology / Pathology / Social Life Science / health Promotion Medicine / Aging Research / HIV and AIDS / Neurochemistry / Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention

Related Link: Graduate School of Medicine

Clinical Medicine & Clinical Pharmacology

Internal Medicine / High-Technology Application of Medicine / Clinical Neuroscience / Head and Neck and Sensory Organ Medicine / Surgery / Musculoskeletal and Cutaneous Surgery / Biomedical Regulation / Clinical Management Medine / Medicines in Growth and Aging / Maternal and Perinatal Care / Psychiatry for Parents and Children / Comprehensive Management Medicine / Molecular Pharmacology / Clinical Pharmacology

Related Link: Graduate School of Medicine

Master of Public Health Program (M)

Public Health

Preventive Medicine / Public Health and Health Systems / Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention / Biostatistics

Related Link: Graduate School of Medicine

Medical Science Graduate Program (D)

Integrated Medicine (Basic Medicine)

Biological Chemistry / Microbiology and Immunology / Advanced Medical Science / Laboratory Animal Science / Cell Science / Neuroscience / Oncology / Higher Nervous Control / Regulation of Organ Function / Molecular and Cellular Adaptation / Anatomy and Cell Biology / Pathology / Social Life Science / health Promotion Medicine / Aging Research / HIV and AIDS / Neurochemistry / Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention

Related Link: Graduate School of Medicine

Integrated Medicine (Clinical Medicine / Clinical Pharmacology)

Internal Medicine / High-Technology Application of Medicine / Clinical Neuroscience / Head and Neck and Sensory Organ Medicine / Surgery / Musculoskeletal and Cutaneous Surgery / Biomedical Regulation / Clinical Management Medine / Medicines in Growth and Aging / Maternal and Perinatal Care / Psychiatry for Parents and Children / Comprehensive Management Medicine / Molecular Pharmacology / Clinical Pharmacology

Related Link: Graduate School of Medicine

Graduate School of Economics

Graduate Program in Economics and Business Administration (M)

Economics / Business Administration 

Industrial Organization / Islamic Accounting / Health-, Agricultural-, Mathematical-, Public-, Information-, Resource/Environment-, Monetary-, Development-, International Economics / Economic History / History of Science and Technology / Macroeconomics / Banking / Finance / Economic Integration / History of Economic Thought / Political Economy / Public Finance / Tax Policy / Econometrics / Industrial Organization / History of Social Policy in Germany / Scheduling / Global HRM / Financial Accounting / Corporate Finance / Management Accounting / Comparative Economic System / Management Strategy / Organization-, Human Resource-, Cost-, Production-, Small and Medium Size Enterprise Management

Related link: Graduate School of Economics 

Graduate School of Humanities

Graduate Program in Linguistics and Cultural Studies (M)

Linguistics / Comparative Cultural Studies

Linguistic Typology / Contrastive Linguistics /  Cognitive Linguistics / Systemic Functional Linguistics / Japanese Linguistics / Interactional Linguistics / Ecolinguistics, Psycholinguistics / Second Language Acquisition / Conversation Analysis / Foreign Language Teaching / Semantics / Phonetics / Phonology / Multimodal Interaction / Bilingualism / Morphology / Critical Discourse Analysis / Early Modern Japanese Literature and Print Culture / Japanese Visual Culture / Media Fan Studies / Philosophy of Language / Comparative Literature / American Literature / Literary Modernism / Translation Studies / Creative Writing / Electronic Literature / Postmodernism / Sexuality Studies / Literature and Theory / Visual Culture / Subculture / Comparative History of Electrical Technology / History of Technology in Modern Japan / New Media Study / Modern Japanese Popular Culture and Film / Feminist and Queer Theories / Critical Race Studies / Digital Ethnography / Food Culture / Ecology

Related Link: Graduate School of Humanities

Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Graduate Program (M)

Japanese / East Asian Studies

Japanese Transnational and Minority Literature / Asian Cinema History / Critical Film Analysis / Japanese Cinam History / Modern Japanese and East Asian History / Film and Screen Theory / Studies of Visual Culture / Japanese Literature and Translation / Japanese Literature and Gender / Modern Japanese Literature

Related Link: Graduate School of Humanities