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Future and Career

Future and Career


Post Graduate Studies and Research

Nagoya University aims to foster world-class intellectual achievement through creative and challenging activities in research and education. With research experience being included in undergraduate studies, a remarkably high percentage of NU students continue on to postgraduate studies and embark on a search for scientific truths and advanced knowledge.
Due to NU’s world-wide recognition, NU graduates moreover have the chance to further their studies at Nagoya University, in Japanese and English taught graduate programs, or at any renowned overseas university. Furthermore, NU has more than 400 international agreements, which provides NU graduate students with research exchange and overseas experiences.

Career Support

Career Support

Nagoya University Career Support Center

University education aims to open up more doors for students after they graduate. The Career Services Office designed for students provides various support mechanisms to students, helping them to pave the way for high achieving careers in Japan or beyond. Feel free to visit the CSO and let us help you in designing a successful career path, exploring options, and making effective career decisions.

Global Human Resource Program

   – One-on-one career guidance/counseling
   – Career WorkshopsCareer counselors and coordinators designated to G30 students are available on campus. Whether you seek career consulting, resume reviewing, or job-opening information gathering, the CSO is the place to be.

Internship Programs

Students can gain real work experiences and knowledge of industry expectations through various internship programs. Some companies are offering internship opportunities especially for foreign students.

Corporate Information Sessions

Some of companies visit the CSO to ask for information on recruiting talented individuals per year. We offer those companies to hold information sessions on campus. Students will have various chances to speak with representatives of highly regarded companies in person.

Corporate-Student Mixers

Once a year, the CSO holds a “Corporate-Student Mixer.” We invite representatives from various industry-leading companies. The G30 students present their unique backgrounds and future visions, as corporate representatives present their companies’ responsibilities and visions. The mixer includes a small discussion period for participants to exchange opinions and to ask each other questions. The G30 students are given opportunities to take a head start in developing awareness towards their careers after graduation.

On-Campus Job Fairs

On-campus job fairs for international students, Japanese students who have been studied abroad, and Japanese returnee students (kikoku-shijo) are held every year. Companies in various industries interested especially in Nagoya University students with international backgrounds gather in one place to give students presentations and to interview students.

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Future and Career