Future and Career
Career Path of Alumni

Alumni Profiles
One of the biggest strenghts of Nagoya University is its track record in helping students to reach their career goals. In 2024, 97% of 4th year undergraduate students received a job offer or an offer to enter a graduate school before graduation. Click on the Career Path of Alumni tab to see individual Alumni Profiles of G30 graduates to discover which types of opportunities the G30 International Program has to offer!
Employment in a Company

Employment Options
The Nagoya is the industrial hub of Japan, and the Central Japan Region offers a variety of employment options for international students.
The main target areas in Nagoya are ICT, robotics, digital content, and creative industries that have a high affinity with the manufacturing industry, including automobiles and machine tools. Many large manufacturing companies, such as the Toyota Motor Corporation, NIPPON SHARYO and Aichi Machine Industry Co are based in Nagoya.
About 1 in 5 G30 undergraduate students enter a company right after graduation. Click on the image link below to see a few examples of the types of companies that the G30 students have entered.
Career in Academia

The education at Nagoya University emphasizes developing research skills, which is why most of the G30 International Program undergraduate students decide to further their education after graduation, with 31% of graduates choosing graduate schools in Japan and 24% deciding to pursue higher education outside of Japan.
The graduates of the G30 Program have been successful in entering such top-ranking universities as the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in the UK, Harvard University and Stanford University in the US and ETH Zurich in Switzerland, just to name a few.
Many G30 graduates have build a successful research career and several G30 students have also been able to obtain faculty positions in universities around the world. Below, you can see a few more examples of universities that have accepted graduates from the G30 International Program.
G30 Graduate Programs

Postgraduate Studies and Research
In addition to continuing their studies abroad, many undergraduate G30 students choose to pursue their education in the G30 graduate programs. There are 12 main G30 graduate programs that offer both master’s and PhD-level education.
As with the undergraduate programs, the G30 graduate programs are taught entirely in English. This allows international students to pursue their studies continuously from the undergraduate level to the master’s level and all the way up to the PhD level at Nagoya University.
Furthermore, NU has more than 400 international agreements, which provide NU graduate students with research exchange and overseas experiences. Click on the link below to read more about our graduate programs.
Career Support

Nagoya University Career Support Center
University education aims to open up more doors for students after they graduate. The Career Services Office designed for students provides various support mechanisms to students, helping them to pave the way for high achieving careers in Japan or beyond. Feel free to visit the CSO and let us help you in designing a successful career path, exploring options, and making effective career decisions.

Global Human Resource Program
– One-on-one career guidance/counseling
– Career WorkshopsCareer counselors and coordinators designated to G30 students are available on campus. Whether you seek career consulting, resume reviewing, or job-opening information gathering, the CSO is the place to be.

Internship Programs
Students can gain real work experiences and knowledge of industry expectations through various internship programs. Some companies are offering internship opportunities especially for foreign students.

Corporate Information Sessions
Some of companies visit the CSO to ask for information on recruiting talented individuals per year. We offer those companies to hold information sessions on campus. Students will have various chances to speak with representatives of highly regarded companies in person.

Corporate-Student Mixers
Once a year, the CSO holds a “Corporate-Student Mixer.” We invite representatives from various industry-leading companies. The G30 students present their unique backgrounds and future visions, as corporate representatives present their companies’ responsibilities and visions. The mixer includes a small discussion period for participants to exchange opinions and to ask each other questions. The G30 students are given opportunities to take a head start in developing awareness towards their careers after graduation.

On-Campus Job Fairs
On-campus job fairs for international students, Japanese students who have been studied abroad, and Japanese returnee students (kikoku-shijo) are held every year. Companies in various industries interested especially in Nagoya University students with international backgrounds gather in one place to give students presentations and to interview students.