Program Outline

“Chemistry expands and creates research areas in collaboration with physics and life science, continually producing functional materials, which support the development of modern society.” Today, at the beginning of the 21st century this trend is growing stronger. However, new developments should be consistent with the harmonization of the global environment and social ethics. It is an urgent issue to foster the growth of individuals who can lead such developments in chemistry.
Our Chemistry Graduate Program intends to cultivate talented people capable of doing the following:
- Becoming internationally respected researchers who will lead and be at the forefront of research in chemistry at both public and private research institutes and who can create new research fields.
- Creating educators of chemistry who will be capable of transferring both knowledge of chemistry and associated technology to the many educational institutes of higher learning and that have the creativity to exploit future opportunities.
- Producing advanced professionals who are well versed and highly specialized in their fi elds at the forefront of chemical technology.
We will foster the development of global leaders in molecular functional material science through education and research while instilling values such as morality, independence and respect for other cultures. In order to provide a high level of expertise and wide vision, world-leading chemistry-oriented researchers from the School of Science and the School of Engineering of Nagoya University gather in this program to establish a global education and research center in all areas of pure and applied chemistry.
Lecture courses offered include Core / Advanced Organic Chemistry, Core / Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Core / Advanced Physical Chemistry, Core / Advanced Biological Chemistry, and Advanced Polymer Chemistry.
The following are the representative areas of research groups, in which graduate students conduct research for Master / Doctor thesis: Catalysis for organic synthesis, Asymmetric catalysis, Organo-main-group chemistry, Natural product chemistry, Metal-sulfur clusters, Metalloproteins, Biomimetic chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Thermoelectric materials, Biomaterials, Inorganic / organic hybrid materials, Microporous materials, Nano-biotechnology, Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes, Materials Chemistry, Organic electronics / spintronics, Laser Chemistry, Photochemistry, Electrochemistry, Ionic liquid, Computational nanomaterials, Protein transport, Membrane biogenesis, Protein folding, Controlled living polymerization, Helical polymers, Hierarchical mutiphase structures, etc.