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Student Voice


Program:Social Sciences Program, School of Law
Others:High School: Auckland International College, New Zealand
My challenge is to take on a diverse array of courses especially subjects that are not directly related to my major, whilst learning to carry my own weight around.
Although it can be hard at times, I actually love the challenge, especially because I am not in on it alone. Everyone here is very friendly and supportive so you can assure it will all work out. So far I’ve made some amazing memories including experiencing firsthand the Seijinshiki ceremony (Coming of Age Day). We woke up at 3 am in the morning to get ready!
I have also made some amazing friends with all sorts of different cultural backgrounds along the way. I am currently only a first year but I can say wholeheartedly that Nagoya University was the right choice for me.
A unique aspect of Nagoya University, which is what got me initially attracted to it, was the opportunity to take Social Sciences Program (School of Law) as an undergraduate. I hope that through my experience here I will get a comprehensive understanding of Law in hopes to pursue the field in graduate school to ultimately use law as a means to help others.

Undergraduate Programs